Miss Arizona Sweetheart 2006

Sunday, May 13, 2007

AVP Pro-Beach Volleyball (Day One)

Brittany had an absolutely awesome weekend volunteering her time at the AVP Pro-Beach Volleyball tournament when it made a stop in Arizona. Over the course of two days she volunteered a total of 13 hours. On the first day (Friday) we were joined by Tiffany, our amazing Coed Queen.
There are really only two jobs available for volunteers, keeping score and ball shagging. By the time we got there all the score keeping jobs had been assigned, so we were ball shagging. Ball shagging is when you are out on the court during the match getting the volleyball for the players.
The girls and I shagged for game 2. Which was between, the teams of Lambert-Metzger and Keenan-Hyden. I thought it was a pretty neat experience, I have watched beach volleyball on TV, but it is much more exciting to see it in person. I never realized what a faced paced game it is until I was out there chasing the volleyball on the court.

Brittany and Tiffany with Mike "Lambo" Lambert.

Stein Metzger

Brad Keenan

Holly McPeak, 2004 Olympic Bronze medalist

Logan Tom, teammate of Holly McPeak

Nicole Branagh (left) and Elaine Youngs, 2004 Olympic Bronze medalist


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