Miss Arizona Sweetheart 2006

Monday, November 06, 2006

Nationals Sleepover

On November 4th, the girls got together to have one final group preparation for Nationals. It was Tiffany's brillant idea to have a sleepover! They had such a great time. They practiced introductions and interviews. Not to mention they just had a great time getting to know each other a little more, sharing different experiences that they have had. Andrea and Ally shared information about their prior trips to Nationals. Everyone is looking forward to the trip in a few weeks!

The highlight of the evening was when the girls gave each other makeovers. They practiced doing hair and makeup. Naturally they won't look like this at the pageant!

Our first Parade

On October 28th, the girls participated in Avondale's Billy Moore Heritage Days Parade. It was such a fun experience for them. Sticking with the down home feeling the girls rode in the back of a pick-up on hay bales. Prior to the start of the parade the girls met Sheriff Joe Arpaio and had their pictures taken with them. Of course I was already sitting along the parade route with my camera, so I don't have pictures of the girls with Sheriff Joe. Someone else took them with their camera, so I'll have to add one later when I get a copy.

While the parade was occurring, a couple of the girls hopped off the truck and handed out candy to those sitting along the parade route watching. Unfortunately, they ended up running out before the end of the parade because there were more people then we anticipated. We'll definately bring more candy to our next parade!

Light the Night

On October 14 a few of the girls participated in the Light the Night Walk at Tempe Town Lake. Light the Night is a fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. It was such an honor to be a part of this walk . The girls were a part of Chole's Friends which was a team started by a little girl who is currently undergoing treatment for Leukemia.

Here is a picture of the crowd at the Light the Night. Brittany is near the upper left corner of the picture.

Miss Arizona Teen USA

On October 1st, we attended the Miss Arizona Teen USA Pageant to cheer on one of our former queens, Tiffany Martin. Last year she was the Junior Teen Queen from our pageant. It was so exciting when they announced the top five and Tiffany was the last name called. We could hardly contain our excitement. She did an awesome job answering her final questions on stage. So we weren't surprised when they announced her name as the new Miss Arizona Teen USA 2007!! Now she will be preparing for the Miss Teen USA pageant in August! We'll be there to cheer her on again!

After all the excitement Tiffany took the time to pose for pictures with the girls.
Visiting with Mrs. Arizona Galaxy 2007, Jessica Smith. Also a former queen from our pageant.

Meeting Arizona Cardinals Players

On Saturday, September 30 the girls met LeRon McCoy and John Bronson from the Arizona Cardinals. The girls had a nice time visiting with the players and signing autographs. The girls recieved the players autographs and then the players wanted their autographs.

While we were there Tiffany crowned LeRon McCoy!

Nationals Preparation

Our wonderful state directors held a Nationals Workshop for the girls at the end of September. It was a wonderful and educational weekend. The girls had another opportunity to bond, as well as prepare for all aspects of their Nationals experience. Brittany left the workshop even more excited for November, which I didn't think was possible.

It still amazes me how well these girls get along, one would think that they have known each other for their entire lives, they are truly like sisters.
After their workshop concluded on Saturday evening the girls went for pizza at Nicantoni's.

They really enjoyed the restaurant, because they were encouraged to sign their autographs on the walls!

Relay For Life

On September 16 we decided to help out at the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. It was an interesting experience. Things did not go exactly at planned but we still had a good time. We ended up spending several hours monitoring the bounce houses in the kids zone. The worst experience for Brittany was when the Sponge Bob bounce house collapsed, with her and several other kids in it! Luckily everyone made it out okay.
Next year Brittany would like to walk in this event.